10 Take Aways from Experts Academy and Worlds Greatest Speaker Training

Posted Nov 2nd, 2018 in Blog, Confidence, Overcoming Perfectionism and Failure

10 Take Aways from Experts Academy and Worlds Greatest Speaker Training

“You can change the conversation of the world.”- Brendon Burchard

 I let that thought sink in as I felt the urge to complain about our 3 planes and 16-hour travel day home from California to Canada.

 I can’t complain.

I can’t complain because I feel a responsibility as a woman, as a leader, and as a writer, speaker, and business strategist for the future.

 I wasn’t winning any mom of the week awards, as we found out last minute that our son, Oliver, would be missing his school pictures.

 His grandparents don’t drive and while we are away we have to pull him out of school.  We couldn’t find any family member to help.

“We miss his energy, and he won’t be in the group photo,"

Said his super awesome, great teacher with a sad face over text.

 I felt the mom guilt start to well up.

But I can’t feel guilt.

I can’t allow guilt to take up headspace.

Because here’s the thing about mom guilt.

Working moms, we still do our thing. We don’t let the guilt stop us.

Mom guilt just makes us feel small, so we do our thing, smaller and smaller.

 I can’t let that happen. I have to change the conversation of the world, and so do you.

So I learn and do the work. Write, speak, and strategize. Network, say no to distraction. Get critiqued and criticized. Cry and laugh.

It’s all part of the profession of an entrepreneur.

I want you to start changing the conversation.  Even if one of these phrases, strategies, or quotes change you, then let’s start there.

1. “If you don’t make the money, you can’t sustain the message.”- Brendon Burchard.

We have work to do. Whether it’s creating your first offer or coming up with a consistent strategy, you must launch. You must give people the opportunity to work with you, consistently. You might not be getting paid, simply because you didn’t make the offer. 

2. “You can’t be a creator and an editor.” -Roger Love.

The right and left side of our brains don't work well at the exact same time. You're losing precious productivity and art if you're constantly editing your blogs, chapters of your book, newsletters, podcasts, videos, courses website. Put it out. Give it to the world, go back and edit later. It's never going to be "perfect."

3. "If you're having a bad week, that's a bad mindset." - Brendon Burchard

Ouch. Let's let that one sink in a bit. Entrepreneurship isn't always rainbows and sunshine. It's OK to share the bad days or failed launches, but what's more important is what you do with it. Test and tweak, and then pick yourself back up and do it again. Teach your struggle and your success. Inspiration is what gets you followed, so pull yourself out the bad mood (not week), and teaching gets you paid.

4. An Experts Job is to tell people what to pay attention to.

They create products and programs to improve lives, build funnels that sell, and post free content to bring traffic into the funnels. (from Brendon.) How often are you consistently doing all 3?

5. The More R's You Have in your funnel/content the more you get paid.

Position yourself with the Results you get, The Reporter and research you found out, your Role Modeling values and advice, and as a Recommender or affiliate. (Framework from Brendon Burchard.)

6. "The universe is abundant and giving when it knows what you want." - Brendon Burchard

Do you have clarity about what you're the expert in? How exactly do you help people? What results do you achieve? What do you need to master by the end of the year. When you get so focused on your art, your service, and your value, the universe has to respond.

7. "If it doesn't have conflict it's not a story." - Bo Eason

Story is what makes people choose you, and once they have chosen you, they are more inclined to buy. Story helps them understand your values, desires and perspective, but only when you defeat whatever conflict you're fighting and they may be fighting too. Use story everywhere in your business.

8. "Don't judge your beginning to someone else's middle." -Rachel Hollis

Comparison robs momentum. Be okay with where you are and own it. That's one of the first steps of a entrepreneur, to claim your space and current reality. You won't know it all, but you know some, and that some is enough to start teaching and sharing your story, steps, and success.

9. "Your vision must match your voice"- Roger Love

Pay attention to the energy you bring to your brand. Excitement (speed up) and gratitude (slow down) are important places to start when you present yourself, teach, and talk. The sound of your voice either buys you more time or turns people off. What energy do you want to be met with?

10. The ripple effect is everything.

When you decide to go for it, serve bigger, give yourself permission to fail, and unapologetically present your best self, you help people.

Eric and I walked away from this conference with the motto,

"Help people, help people.. help people."

What do you need help with in order to help others?

Drop us a line at lisa@lisapezik.com 

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