How to Name Your Course or Membership

Posted Oct 26th, 2020 in Testimonials, Blog, Confidence, Owning Your Choices, Overcoming Perfectionism and Failure, Footer Features

We had it narrowed down to two... Oliver and Liam.

We pictured what our son would look like as an Oliver and a Liam. We pictured baby Oliver, baby Liam, Grandpa Ollie, Grandpa Liam.

Choosing a name is kind of a big deal!

We decided to go with Oliver, for peaceful,

Kai for ocean (where my husband.,Eric and I met)


We didn't have any strong family significance that we wanted to carry on and decided to make his name the perfect joining of us three.

What would happen if we didn't name our children? A name isn't the be all end all, but it's definitely an important differentiator.

The same goes with your course. The name is rarely what makes it or breaks it, but too common, and it gets ignored, too complicated, and everyone is confused.

Below is my exact process that I use to help clients name their courses, coaching programs, and memberships so they launch something they are proud of. 

Grab a piece of paper and answer these questions...

1. What's the end game for the user?

2. What is the promise your making?

3. What is the main topic about?

4. What are 3 synonyms for this topic?

5. What are three antonyms for this topic?

6. Is the name short?

7. Is the name memorable or have significance to you?

8. Is the name already trademarked?

9. Is it catchy?

10. Is it clear?

When I was brainstorming what to call my Facebook Live Course, my answers looked something like this.

1. Being more visible and having confidence to start doing video on social media.

2.  It's a step by step process to gain confidence with your message

3. Facebook Live Videos

4. Confidence, trust, believe, faith

5. Shy, timid, unsure

6. Could be "Rock Facebook Lives with Confidence"

7. "Rock" makes it memorable- gives off a certain emotion and image

8. Not trademarked

9. I think it's catchier than , "How to do a Facebook Live Video, Before, During, and After."

10. Not clear would be "How to connect, convert, captivate, and challenge yourself to do a Facebook live video."

I like to think of these 10 steps as building blocks or puzzle pieces.

Write out all of these words and phrases on a white board or blank sheet of paper and move them around until you find a fit! Don't let the name stall you're launch. You've got this!


Need help naming your product of service? Book a 30 minute strategy session with me!

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